
7 01, 2020

2 reason why Mobokey is perfect for fleet owners

2020-01-24T20:55:18+05:00Categories: Car Sharing|Tags: , , , , , , |

Mobokey is a perfect solution for fleet owners as allows you to access multiple cars from one smartphone app. You don't need to carry multiple keys for different cars. Just use your smartphone to access all the cars in your home or your fleet. With Mobokey, you always have a back up in your smartphone. These feature has made Mobokey a useful tool for fleet owners. The fleet owners, who used to share the physical car keys, now can share the car without the hassle of meeting their client in ........

3 12, 2019

Mobokey’s Shared Mobility with remote Car Access

2020-01-24T20:55:37+05:00Categories: Car Access, Car Sharing|Tags: , , , , , , |

As a company that has been working in the field of shared mobility for the last few years, we have realized that it has become a buzzword. But, we know for a fact that Shared Mobility is here to stay. In this economy of shared resources, we thought of sharing cars with minimal spending. So we devised a product named Mobokey remote car access, enables peer-to-peer car sharing. Why do we focus on Peer-to-Peer car sharing? First, let’s understand the concept of this peer-to-peer car sharing. Also known as person-to-person car-sharing ........

2 12, 2019

How MoboKey’s remote car access works

2024-12-24T18:27:45+05:00Categories: Car Access|Tags: , , , , |

With Mobokey, you have remote car access via a smartphone app. We install a device in the car that connects with a smartphone using Bluetooth smart. Remote car access via Mobokey app With Mobokey, you can easily perform the following tasks. Lock/Unlock, Start/Stop and Deactivate/Active security with the Mobokey app. You can access your car from a distance of 100 meters. Car access is a feature worth mentioning when it comes to the Mobokey. Mobokey allows you to lock/unlock your car from a smartphone application. Not only this but it ........

4 10, 2019

Control multiple cars with one app

2020-01-24T20:56:38+05:00Categories: Car Access|

Mobokey is a smartphone app that allows you to control multiple cars with one app. With Mobokey's platform, users can simply access, secure and share the car. Since, we provide a single platform, that enables the users to perform all the functions that they need in their smartphone. Therefore, removing the need to carry car keys at all. This feature is vastly used for car sharing and rental car companies. That is why Mobokey is just the perfect solution for car-sharing companies. How to control multiple cars with one app? ........

3 10, 2019

How MoboKey tracks car without GPS

2024-05-08T20:22:59+05:00Categories: Car Access, Car Security, Car Sharing|Tags: , , , , , |

Mobokey tracks the location of the cars without using an inbuilt GPS device. As we discuss car sharing, the most important thing that Mobokey provides is the location of the car. Mobokey has become a go-to solution for small and medium-sized car-sharing companies. We try to make sure that our customers can have the same type of functionalities without spending lots of resources. It tracks car location with the sharing of vehicles. How does Mobokey track car location Mobokey uses a Parked location for the owner and the driver both. ........

2 10, 2019

World’s first Bluetooth based Car Sharing Platform

2024-05-08T20:23:02+05:00Categories: Car Sharing|Tags: , , , , , |

Mobokey is the world's first Bluetooth-based car-sharing platform. Peer-to-peer car sharing via a platform is not, just a trend but it is here to stay. It is the farsightedness of our founders that they developed an app that not only allows access to the car with a smartphone app but also "a complete platform". This platform became the world's first Bluetooth-based car-sharing platform namely, Mobokey. The use of Bluetooth has more advantages than using any other way of communication. Other car-sharing companies that followed the trend have switched or are ........

2 10, 2019

Two methods to install the security relay

2024-12-24T18:20:19+05:00Categories: Installation|Tags: , , , , , |

This guide will explain the basics of installing the security relay of the CAM Pro device in any Turn Key Start Car type. You need to have a proper understanding of the car's electrical system before installation. It is highly recommended to install this device through a trained car electrician. There are two basic car types as follows. Key Start - Cars that require a key to be inserted in the keyhole to start the car. Push Start - Cars that are equipped with a smart key remote and a ........

18 09, 2019

Did you forget your car keys inside the car?

2024-05-08T20:12:51+05:00Categories: Troubleshooting|Tags: , , , |

Did you forget your car keys inside the car? Yes, don't worry, MoboKey has you covered. With MoboKey's phone app, you can unlock and lock your car anytime. Forget car keys and switch to MoboKey's smart solution! Forget Car Keys, Use the MoboKey Phone App! As Mobokey is a complete solution for car-sharing and rental companies, we are always in communication with our existing clients. A question that we are asked the most is "Do we need to give the customers the car keys?" The answer to that question is ........

16 09, 2019

Why is it safe to place your key inside the car with MoboKey

2024-12-24T18:38:32+05:00Categories: Car Access, Car Security|Tags: , , , , , |

Mobokey allows the user to remotely start the car from a smartphone but we recommend to keep a backup key. The reason for keeping the key inside in a safe spot is in case of an emergency! Mobokey makes sure that even if someone gets the hold of the car key, they would not be able to start. The reason being the security mechanism installed in the device. Backup Key in Smartphone Mobokey serves the purpose to eliminate the use of the key. We have made sure that the device ........

2 09, 2019

Troubleshooting Mobokey

2024-05-07T22:08:52+05:00Categories: Troubleshooting|

This blog deals with troubleshooting MoboKey. Are you not able to connect with MoboKey or is there any other issue related to the device? Recommendations before troubleshooting: Do not leave keys in the ignition keyhole unattended. Make sure that you have a separate or spare key in your wallet or pocket all the time. For push-start cars, you can place the remote inside the car but you need to keep the smaller key with you all the time. Make sure that you place the antenna at the exact location where ........

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