Can you unlock your car with a smartphone app? Yes, it is possible for you to unlock your car with a smartphone app.

How to unlock your car with a smartphone app?

Now we know that you can unlock your car with a smartphone app, the question arises, HOW? The answer is MoboKey.

MoboKey is a smartphone app that is transforming the access, security, and sharing of cars using Bluetooth Smart, giving unlimited features of use to the driver. But the MoboKey app alone will not be of any use at all unless you have any of our devices installed in your car.

What is MoboKey and how can it unlock your car?

MoboKey is a device and an app that when coupled together allows you to access, secure, and share your car using a smartphone app.


Once the MoboKey device is installed in your car, you can simply lock/unlock and start/stop your car. This device makes sure that you don’t have to carry your car keys anymore. MoboKey puts your car keys in your smartphone. This is why you have the unlimited number of keys in your smartphone.


With MoboKey your car is secure all the time. Our exceptional security system activates when you move away from the car and no one can start the car even if they have keys. This feature makes MoboKey one of the most practical car security systems in the market.


MoboKey car-sharing platform allows you to share your car with anyone you want and earn money. Just park your car and send a digital key and car location to anyone you choose and they can come and pick up the car after you have left by using MoboKey.

Why do you want to unlock your car with your smartphone?

We will quote an experience of our friend Jason from, who recently lost his car keys.

I’m usually good about keeping track of my valuables (wallet, phone, gum, etc.). But, last week, for the first time ever, I locked my keys in my car. It was a simple mistake. While dropping off a friend at the ferry terminal, I was so distracted making sure they hadn’t left any valuables behind that I forgot to keep track of my own.

Later, as I stood alone in an overcast parking lot, my jacket pulled tight while the wind bit my nose and ears, I fumed at my absent-minded folly. At least I hadn’t locked my phone in the car. It was going to take almost two hours for help to arrive, but help was on the way. That said, it would have been great if my phone could have just solved the problem for me.

It’s not just Jason, there are thousands of people who forget their car keys in their cars or somewhere in their home. MoboKey offers an effective alternative i.e. unlock the car with a smartphone app!

You can start your car with a smartphone app now before it becomes common for everyone. Try out MoboKey now: Download your Mobokey application here: Go to Play Store or App Store!

Get more info about MoboKey: Your car key remote in your Smartphone

Connect your car now. Order here!