Car Access

Share your car via Mobokey app from anywhere

One of the features that MoboKey provides is the sharing of cars. Our car rental companies have been using this feature to share their cars while staying at home. MoboKey provides access, security, and sharing, making sure that your car rental company operates even when you are not around in the office. Our clients have helped out people who are in distress and need a car to reach their homes. With our platform, the car can be shared. Access can be given for a specified amount of time. Share your ........

2024-07-03T20:27:27+05:00Categories: Car Access|Tags: , , |

How to save money with MoboKey

With MoboKey, you can save money. Yes, that's right. Since Mobokey focuses primarily on a sharing platform, it offers a wide variety of features ranging from security to access. All of this in a single device. And the best part is "without any recurring monthly fee". Let us discuss each feature at a time and how it helps saving money. Security: Let us compare a tracker with MoboKey. Tracker secures the car. Or at least the tracking companies have given the customers a sense of security. It is an unintelligible ........

Free for life car access, security and sharing with MoboKey

Why do you have to pay for recurring charges when we are providing access, security, and sharing of cars using Bluetooth Smart? Just pay once and that's all. We are not a fan of collecting recurring payments. Not only this but we provide a 2-year warranty for our devices as well. Access, Security, and Sharing Access: With Mobokey, you have remote car access via a smartphone app. We install a device in the car that connects with a smartphone using Bluetooth smart. Hence enabling, remote car access via the MoboKey ........

Which Mobokey device is best for you?

Mobokey device caters to all your car access, security and car-sharing needs. We have 3 different variants of the Mobokey devices. These 3 variants are Basic, Plus and Pro. In this article, we will try to discuss all of them in detail and which device is best suited for your needs. Is CAM Pro what you need? CAM Pro is a complete package that fulfills all the needs from access, security, and sharing of the vehicle. If you are inclined to buy CAM Pro, you can ask yourself the following ........

2020-02-21T18:07:27+05:00Categories: Car Access, Car Security, Car Sharing|

How Mobokey proximity lock unlock works in your car

Proximity lock unlock is a feature in which the car locks & unlocks depending upon the distance between the car and phone. One of the best features using MoboKey in the car is proximity lock and unlock. Using this feature, our users do not need to tap on any button on the phone to lock/unlock the car! This feature gives the users an easy way to access the car. We are making sure that the user does not have to press any keys at all. How to configure Proximity ........

2024-05-17T19:46:22+05:00Categories: Car Access|Tags: , , |

Set access level, extend or reduce the end time for the shared car

We are offering the Mobokey users another amazing feature, using which they can set access levels, and extend or reduce the end time for the shared car. While using Pro, the owner of the car can share not only the limited functionality to complete access, and all of this without sharing the physical car keys. This is one of the most useful features of MoboKey’s car-sharing platform. We have made sure that the design of the application and hardware is very well thought where you can select from three levels: ........

4 reasons why Mobokey’s Smart Start is a must for your car

With MoboKey’s Smart Start car system, you do not have to carry your car keys anymore. You can go keyless and have your car key remote in your smartphone. No need to carry the car keys at all. No need to worry about forgetting them somewhere. Smart car start with Mobokey Lock/Unlock: A single tap on your app and you can lock and unlock your car. Start/Stop: One tap to activate accessories One more to turn on the car Long press to start the car Car Security Anti-theft Anti snatch ........

2024-05-10T17:33:46+05:00Categories: Car Access|Tags: , , |

Mobokey’s Shared Mobility with remote Car Access

As a company that has been working in the field of shared mobility for the last few years, we have realized that it has become a buzzword. But, we know for a fact that Shared Mobility is here to stay. In this economy of shared resources, we thought of sharing cars with minimal spending. So we devised a product named Mobokey remote car access, enables peer-to-peer car sharing. Why do we focus on Peer-to-Peer car sharing? First, let’s understand the concept of this peer-to-peer car sharing. Also known as person-to-person car-sharing ........

How MoboKey’s remote car access works

With Mobokey, you have remote car access via a smartphone app. We install a device in the car that connects with a smartphone using Bluetooth smart. Remote car access via Mobokey app With Mobokey, you can easily perform the following tasks. Lock/Unlock, Start/Stop and Deactivate/Active security with the Mobokey app. You can access your car from a distance of 100 meters. Car access is a feature worth mentioning when it comes to the Mobokey. Mobokey allows you to lock/unlock your car from a smartphone application. Not only this but it ........

Control multiple cars with one app

Mobokey is a smartphone app that allows you to control multiple cars with one app. With Mobokey's platform, users can simply access, secure and share the car. Since, we provide a single platform, that enables the users to perform all the functions that they need in their smartphone. Therefore, removing the need to carry car keys at all. This feature is vastly used for car sharing and rental car companies. That is why Mobokey is just the perfect solution for car-sharing companies. How to control multiple cars with one app? ........

2020-01-24T20:56:38+05:00Categories: Car Access|
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