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So far Team MoboKey has created 516 blog entries.

How to unlock your car without car keys

MoboKey provides a seamless solution by giving remote car access via a smartphone app. Simply install the device in the car that connects to a cell phone using Bluetooth smart. It allows you to unlock and start your car without the car keys. Unlock and start your car without car keys With the MoboKey app, you can easily. Lock Unlock Start Stop Secure and Share your car The MoboKey app makes sure that you can access your car without the car keys. With our solution, you don’t need to install ........

Share your car via Mobokey app from anywhere

One of the features that MoboKey provides is the sharing of cars. Our car rental companies have been using this feature to share their cars while staying at home. MoboKey provides access, security, and sharing, making sure that your car rental company operates even when you are not around in the office. Our clients have helped out people who are in distress and need a car to reach their homes. With our platform, the car can be shared. Access can be given for a specified amount of time. Share your ........

2024-07-03T20:27:27+05:00Categories: Car Access|Tags: , , |

Precautionary Measures for COVID-19

Wash your hands frequently Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. Maintain social distancing Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus. If you are too close, you can ........

2024-11-01T18:49:05+05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Why is MoboKey better than any car-sharing platform

MoboKey car-sharing platform is the value for money for any rental car company. We have been providing better car-sharing services than other platforms available in the market. With an experienced team of engineers and sales, we have developed a solution that is the most affordable car-sharing service that appeals not only to small but also large rental car companies. Why is MoboKey better than any car-sharing platform Free of cost car sharing Our car-sharing platform offers more than any other car-sharing platform in the market. With our device, you can ........

Why there are no recurring fees with MoboKey devices?

One of the things that impacts all the car rental companies is a small recurring fee. Fees like tracker fees, platform fees, etc. These small recurring fees add together and become large operational costs. We commit to our customers that there will be no recurring fees while using MoboKey. Why there's no recurring fee with MoboKey? The reason why MoboKey has no recurring fee is simple. The reason is that we use Bluetooth to control the car. Bluetooth is the key factor when it comes to car access. Why do ........

How to save money with MoboKey

With MoboKey, you can save money. Yes, that's right. Since Mobokey focuses primarily on a sharing platform, it offers a wide variety of features ranging from security to access. All of this in a single device. And the best part is "without any recurring monthly fee". Let us discuss each feature at a time and how it helps saving money. Security: Let us compare a tracker with MoboKey. Tracker secures the car. Or at least the tracking companies have given the customers a sense of security. It is an unintelligible ........

How to request for a car using MoboKey App

We have made requesting the car easy using MoboKey. You can simply follow the stated steps and request a car using the MoboKey app! Step 1: Sign Up on the MoboKey App Download your application here: Go to Play Store or App Store! Connect your car now. Order here! Sign Up on the MoboKey using your email address. Step 2: Request a car with an App You will have to share the email address using which they signed up with the owner. The owner will simply share the car for a time that you ........

2024-12-24T18:21:46+05:00Categories: Car Sharing|Tags: , |

Free for life car access, security and sharing with MoboKey

Why do you have to pay for recurring charges when we are providing access, security, and sharing of cars using Bluetooth Smart? Just pay once and that's all. We are not a fan of collecting recurring payments. Not only this but we provide a 2-year warranty for our devices as well. Access, Security, and Sharing Access: With Mobokey, you have remote car access via a smartphone app. We install a device in the car that connects with a smartphone using Bluetooth smart. Hence enabling, remote car access via the MoboKey ........

How to wire MoboKey in clutch enabled cars

There are multiple types of cars available in the market. We try to make sure that our device is compatible with all of them. Our device is compatible with 95% of the cars in the market including clutch enabled cars. To start a clutch enabled car, you will have to start the car by pressing down on the clutch and start the car. How to start a clutch enabled cars with Mobokey To start a clutch enabled car with the app, you need to trace out the wires from a ........

Car being stolen with signal repeaters? MoboKey has a solution

The newest addition in carjackers arsenal is the signal repeater which has actually put a question mark on car security. We at MoboKey, have found a way to secure your car from this new threat. With the advent of the signal repeaters, the newer cars are more at risk of being stolen. This is where MoboKey comes in. How secure is your car? The inbuilt security system of the car is as follows: The smart key comes with an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip. RFID chip emits a signal to ........

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