Car theft and snatching are on the rise, and traditional security methods are no longer enough to keep your vehicle safe. As thieves become more sophisticated, car owners need to up their game to protect their vehicles from being stolen or snatched. Luckily, there are modern technologies and best practices that can help. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively protect your car from theft and snatching, with MoboKey’s anti-theft and anti-snatching features.

Did you know in Canada alone, 105,000 cars were a target of theft and snatching in 2023?

Understanding Car Theft and Snatching

Car theft typically involves stealing a parked vehicle, while snatching occurs when the driver is threatened or forcefully removed from their car. Both types of crimes are serious, but by taking the right precautions, you can greatly reduce the risk.

How to Protect Your Car Against Theft

  1. Park Smart
    Always park your car in well-lit, secure areas. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles parked in busy or well-monitored locations. If possible, use parking lots with surveillance cameras and security personnel.
  2. Use Steering Wheel Locks
    While basic, steering wheel locks provide a visual deterrent. Thieves generally avoid vehicles with visible security devices because they are more difficult to steal.
  3. Upgrade to Keyless Protection with MoboKey
    Traditional car keys are no longer the best defense against theft. MoboKey’s anti-theft mode goes beyond simple locking mechanisms by allowing you to control access to your car using your smartphone.

    • Automatic Locking: MoboKey locks your car automatically when your phone is out of range, making it impossible for thieves to enter or start the vehicle.
    • Engine Disable: If unauthorized access is detected, you can use the MoboKey app to disable the engine, preventing the car from being driven away.

How to Protect Your Car Against Snatching

  1. Keep Your Car Doors Locked
    Always keep your doors locked and windows rolled up when driving in high-risk areas. Many snatchers target drivers stopped at traffic lights or in traffic jams.
  2. Activate MoboKey’s Anti-Snatch Mode
    MoboKey’s anti-snatch mode is designed to protect you in real-time, even when you’re on the road.

    • Proximity-Based Immobilization: If someone tries to forcefully take your car, MoboKey automatically immobilizes the car when your phone is out of range.
    • Remote Shutdown: In case of a snatch attempt, you can instantly lock the car and shut down the engine using the MoboKey app. This prevents the thief from getting away with your car.
    • Auto Security Mode: The auto security mode automatically secures the car engine when the phone is turns off. This features is useful when a thief takes your snatches your phone too. This feature makes sure that no one can access the car without your authorization.

MoboKey: The Ultimate Solution for Car Theft and Snatching

Traditional car alarms and immobilizers are outdated. MoboKey offers a modern, smart security system that gives you complete control over your vehicle. With its keyless access, anti-theft, and anti-snatch modes, you don’t need to rely on clunky keys or hope that your car alarm will scare away thieves.

Key Benefits of MoboKey:

  • Convenience: You can lock, unlock, and control your car remotely using just your smartphone.
  • Advanced Security: The combination of anti-theft and anti-snatch modes ensures your car is protected in both parked and driving situations.

Want to read more about MoboKey’s App-based Car Starter? Download your application here: Go to Play Store or App Store.